As I have been swamped with work lately, and I have shared quite a few of my favourite recipes on my blog, I have decided to share some more information about Gluten Free cooking and Celieac Disease on my blog from other sources than just my own kitchen. Also I will (for the summer anyway) be moving to a post every other week rather than every week!
Have a happy productive summer, that is my plan anyway! With that said…
Here is a list of 14 things you need to know about celiac disease. Because celiac disease is NOT a fad!
1. Celiac Disease is an Autoimmune Disease
2. There Are Over 300 Known Symptoms of Celiac Disease
3. Digestive Symptoms Are NOT the Only Symptoms of Celiac Disease
4. More People Have Celiac Disease Than Crohns, Colitis, and Cystic Fibrosis Combined
5. Celiac Disease is Hereditary
6. Left Untreated, Celiac Disease Can Lead to Additional Serious Health Problems
7. Many People with Celiac Disease Report Having “Brain Fog”
8. 83% of Americans with Celiac Disease Are Still Suffering Without a Diagnosis
9. The Later the Age of Diagnosis, the Greater the Chance of Developing Another Autoimmune Disorder
10. It is Estimated That Up to 20% of People Diagnosed With Celiac Disease Have Persistent Symptoms While on a Gluten-Free Diet
11. Consuming the Smallest Amount of Gluten Can Make a Person With Celiac Disease Very Ill
12. Commonly, People With Celiac Disease Experience Several Nutritional Deficiencies
13. 15-25% of People With Celiac Disease Are Also Affected by Dermatitis Herpetiformis
14. Celiac Disease Foundation Drives Diagnosis and Treatment of Celiac Disease Through Advocacy, Education, and Advancing Research to Improve the Quality of Life for All People Affected by Gluten-Related Disorders
Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) is a 501 (c )(3) non-profit organization established in 1990. With vital programs and services for the public, patients, healthcare professionals, and the food industries, CDF meets the growing public health challenge of diagnosing and treating celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders.
This list was originally published on BuzzFeed here.